Christmas in July

I want to start out by saying; I believe that handmade items are worth more than gifts bought at a store. Items at a store I can buy whenever I want, while handmade gifts family or friends create are more meaningful, personal and unique.  Don’t get me wrong I appreciate any gift I receive but I really value thoughtful handmade gifts.


This photo above displays the precious gifts I received from my husband’s cousin’s daughter, Scarlett. She is very sweet and innocent, well at least around me maybe not around her parents, but she does have a fun crafty side… BTW her favorite color is pink and not red. I imaged someone named Scarlett would love the color red, but I’m completely wrong about that. It’s okay Scarlett my favorite color isn’t red either. I prefer to enjoy the blue, green (not puke green…yuck!), teal and black colors.

I wish I can spoil Scarlett with teaching her to embrace her crafty artistic side but unfortunately she lives hundreds of miles away from me. 🙁 I know very sad. That’s fine I will just spoil her and the family with handmade gifts! Fun! I love making gifts for family and friends. I put my whole heart and soul into constructing them.  I will admit that there are times I do stress myself out so much trying to complete projects that it ruins the fun at times but don’t worry I usually tend to take a break and get back to creating in a very short amount of time.

You know what stresses everyone out every year, including myself? Christmas! Christmas is supposed to be the “happiest time of the year”. Ha! Sure it is… more like the “most stressful time of the year” next to Thanksgiving. Everyone is scrambling around like wild crazy monkey’s trying to figure out what gift they are going to buy for friends and family, how to decorate and many other lists of things. Me on the other hand, I’m climbing and tumbling all over my fabric and crafts figuring out what I am going to make for Christmas gifts.

I’ve come to the realization that I need to start creating Christmas presents earlier this year. My number one most common problem I encounter is I procrastinate on starting my projects. Hence why I tend to stumble around my craft room figuring out how in the world am I going to finish my handmade gifts on time.  Somehow I manage to miraculously finish these gifts at the nick of time.

Last year when I made the plush penguins (some pictured above) I literally sewed the beaks on all 20 penguins a couple days before Christmas. For goodness sake, in order to not spoil the surprise I was hand sewing the beaks in the guest bedroom at my In-Laws house. There were almost a few close calls, but I still managed to hide my secret gifts.

Not only do I wait to the last possible moment to make my presents I also like to challenge myself to make gifts that top the past years gifts. Why do I do such a thing? I do this because it keeps my creative mind occupied and thinking outside of the box. Maybe another reason is I can be slightly competitive at times, who am I kidding I’m super competitive. I have the passion and drive to create and push my limits. Don’t worry I’m not one of those crazy competitive people who go ballistic and terrorize everyone around me. I promise I am a civilized competitor and I personally don’t like drama. I avoid drama at all times if I could. No reason for people to go all ape on each other if something doesn’t go their way.

What is my solution to this procrastination and stress problem I have each year, you ask? Start making Christmas presents in July and not in November or December! Duh!  You are probably wondering why in the world would you start making gifts in July? Don’t you think that is a little too early? Well, if you would have asked me years ago if July was too early to start making gifts, I would have said yes. Now that it seems like I make more and more gifts for Christmas and stressing out last minute, I say July is not too early. Maybe that is why you hear the saying “Christmas in July” since there always seems to be sales going on and big parties.


I use to ignore it honestly but now it makes sense. July is a good time to start thinking about Christmas and buy gifts now so you don’t have to wait last minute to get them. I’m not too worried about buying gifts, just making them.  Also, it is the time people like to throw parties in the middle of the summer to mimic Christmas celebrations but in warmer conditions. I’m not a big party person so I’ll stick with what I know, crafts.

I am currently thriving to make my gifts bigger and better than last year. I would love to share my plans for this year’s Christmas presents but that would spoil the fun, right? I don’t want my family and friends to find out what they are getting for Christmas in July. Are you crazy? It’s too early to divulge. 😉  You will have to wait until Christmas to see the gifts I create. I do promise you one thing; the handmade gifts will be amazing!

Thanks for stopping by!

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